Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Happiness Project - January

Last year I chose, for my one word, the word "happier" to be my focus. Other than putting out little notes, listening to "Happier" podcasts, and spending months reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, I didn't actually do much to make myself happier. But when I finally raced to finish the book, I was inspired to put together my own happiness project.

I've spent hours in the past week thinking about what I wanted my resolutions to be for the coming year, one a month. I'm not entirely set for the entire year but I'm most of the way there and solid on the first six months of the year. The biggest problem so far? Once I decided what my resolution would be for each month, I really want to put all of them into effect right away. But I know from experience that I can't try to change everything at once. So, one thing at a time. I hope you don't mind coming along on the journey with me. Rubin's podcast has taught me that I need to be accountable to someone in order to be successful. Each month, I'll be sharing my resolution for the month, along with the things I'll be doing that month to make it happen.

For January, my resolution is to "Get More Energy." Exactly how am I going to make that happen?

  • Get more sleep - I'm trying to make sure I'm getting 7 hours of sleep during the week, but I'm a night owl so this is a tough one for me. Eights on the weekends is the goal and if that doesn't work, I'm planning to make time for a nap.
  • Get moving - I sit at work and I can often find that I haven't gotten out of my chair in a two or three hours. I'm working to make sure that I'm getting up at least every hour, even if it's just to get copies or to grab a file.
  • Act more energetic - this one's a little harder to define but I'm thinking it will mean things like dancing while I'm making supper, talking myself into doing some cleaning even though I'm really tired and just want to sit down at the end of the day...that kind of thing.
  • Drink more water - I'm a soda girl. I love me some Diet Coke. But it's not good for you and water is. A lot more water than I usually drink, especially in the winter when cold beverages aren't necessary what I want. But I'm also dehydrated all winter, so...
  • Eat better - specifically eat more fruits and vegetables. Starting with taking a piece of fruit every day for lunch, more salads, making sure we having vegetables with every dinner.
  • Schedule appointments - I'm long overdue for a visit to the doctor and the eye doctor but I hate to take the time to go in. Gotta make that happen. 
To remind myself to stick with it, every month I'm adding the month's resolution and actions to my monthly tracker in my bullet journal. You'll notice that I've also included my word for 2017 on this page as well. For January, the actions are the same since they all also contribute to a healthier heart.

What would you do to add more energy to your life?


  1. Love this idea so much! Talk about inspiring :) Good luck!!

  2. I think your goals sound very possible - does that make sense? Not too overwhelming, but a little at a time. I do find that when I make the time to add more activity to my life, like walking, I have more energy. I think sometimes tiredness is just boredom. Good luck!!

  3. Oh lordy... I don't do much to add more energy. I was setting reminders on my calendar to get up every hour or to drink water every hour but that got old quick. I got a neat water glass that I refill three times a day and if I drink those three glasses then I have 9 glasses a day so that is good. I was averaging about one glass a day all last year. Not good. I am eating about 85% clean. I am actually shooting for 100% clean but decided to allow a little slippage if I need to. So far, I haven't slipped all that much...less than 5%. The week I started to eat clean I gained three lbs which was a real pain in the butt. How does that happen? I have since lost 4 lbs so I am in the right direction now. I am hoping to lose weight because I need to but I am doing it because the doctor scared the hell out of me when she thought I had a stroke. Then my mom died of a stroke. It's like... girl, get your crap together.

  4. All the best with the choose happy project! Getting more energy is a year round preoccupation, but I think even more difficult when it's very cold or very hot because you can feel sluggish. It's not so easy to get out for a walk in the Winter months because of the wind, rain, snow, ice. For me walking makes me feel good and, therefore, energised. If I can't get out I'm doing some cleaning around the house. I'm exercising and feeling I've accomplished necessary tasks at the same time! I'm also pleased that I'm healing up, more mobile and getting back some energy, although medication makes me unnaturally tired and dehydrated. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you are able to implement some of your resolutions.

  5. I know a few people who are doing Be Happy projects in 2017. I think it is a fabulous idea! I am hoping to start taking back my mornings by getting up earlier. Granted, the minute I made that decision, I started sleeping poorly and can barely get out of bed in a timely manner to get to work on time. Still, the desire is there.

    Good luck on getting more energy!
