Happy Sunday! It's another beautiful Sunday morning which finds me about to head outside to water, harvest and work on that dresser that seems to be the never ending project. There's a lot of potential for rain in our forecast this week so I need to get busy on that so I can
finally get that piece out of my kitchen! Whenever I eventually get my basement decluttered entirely, I need to create some space where I can work on projects inside so I don't end up with half finished things sitting in my kitchen (or taking up space in my garage) for weeks on end. Work continues on that front - I'll be taking another load of stuff to Mini-him today and more stuff went off to charity this week.
Last Week I:
Listened To: Alix E. Harrow's The Once and Future Witches, which I'll finish this morning. Next up is Griffin Dunne's The Friday Afternoon Club.
Watched: Lots of volleyball and lots of football and as much of the debate as I could handle.
Read: Timothy Schaffert's The Titanic Survivor's Book Club. I'm a little over half way finished with it and I would love to find the time this evening to just sit down and devour the rest of it. Not sure what's up next - I have four more library books checked out and several Netgalley books that need to be read soonish. I think this is going to be a quieter week so there should be more time for reading.
Made: There was a lot of eating out this week and not much cooking, other than the ubiquitous BLTs.
Enjoyed: Got my hair done, went out to a new place for dinner with friends, won some auction items that I picked up yesterday, and watched a lot of Husker wins.
You may be wondering why I've posted a picture of the University of Northern Iowa Panthers instead, Nebraska's football opponent yesterday. See #5 right there in the middle? That's our great-nephew. It was so much fun to get to watch him play in Memorial Stadium last night and have a good game. So proud of him and all of his hard work.
This Week I’m:
Planning: On getting that dresser finished, doing a lot of reading, and getting more stuff out of my house. My goal right now is to make a charity drop-off at least once a week until my house feels lighter.
Thinking About: Campaign commercials are really heating up. It's not just the number of them increasing, but the lies and vitriol. I may have to convince The Big Guy to turn off the t.v. as much as possible in the next couple of months to avoid them.
Feeling: A little disappointed. I was supposed to have tomorrow off, just because. I had been looking forward to using the day to get a lot done around here. Instead, I'll be going to work primarily for four meetings. I hate Monday meetings almost as much as I hate Friday meetings, especially when they mean I can't have a three-day weekend.
Looking forward to: Book club on Tuesday.
Question of the week: What are you reading? Anything you'd recommend?
***This week's books are tied together by both being from Netgalley for review and both having a mystery/thriller element***