Happy Sunday from Omaha, where, at least for now, the sun is finally shining. I've been whinny about the grey and the low pressure system; but I'm grateful to have dodged the ice and snow storms that have crippled so much of the country. Now if we could both just get healthy at the same time!
We finally got this Christmas tree down on Friday. I'd taken off all of the ornaments a week ago but needed Big Guy to help with the lights and the tree. Between one thing and another, it just didn't get done all week. What a relief to finally have the family room back in order and my favorite chair back in the room. It's my favorite place to curl up and read!
Last Week I:
Listened To: I finished my first book of the year, George Saunders' The Tenth of December and started back up with Hidden Valley Road. When I looked at my reading numbers for 2024, I had read very few short story collections and not as much nonfiction as usual, so I'm off to a good start in turning that around in 2025.
Watched: The usual football, college basketball, and the season opener of one of Omaha's professional women's volleyball teams. What an exciting match, with Husker alumni on both sides of the net and a record women's professional volleyball crowd in attendance. We also watch a couple of episodes each of Shrinking, Loudermilk, and Only Murders In The Building.
Read: I started both Jodi Picoult's By Any Other Name (finally!) and All The Colors of the Dark, by Chris Whitaker, but not sure which one I'm going to stick with to the end first. I did not, as I had said I would, get back to either of the books I'd been reading as part of readalongs.
Made: It's been so cold here lately so it's soup season. This week we made potato soup and corn chowder.
Enjoyed: We went to see a movie...in the theater!...on Monday - A Complete Unknown, starring Timothee Chalomet. Well done movie with really good performances. I'm not a huge Bob Dylan fan so I could have done with a little less of the music, but the friends we went with really enjoyed that.
We also enjoyed an overnight visit from my brother who was headed up to pick up some beef. Do people outside of the midwest buy meat by the half or quarter of an animal?
This Week I’m:
Planning: BG is celebrating a big birthday this month so I'm working on a little family surprise for him. With everyone's schedules, it may not happen until a week or so after his birthday so I'll have to find another way to celebrate on the actual date.
Thinking About: California. It's so huge and overwhelming to think about and my heart breaks for all of those affected. So much as been lost, so much that can never be replaced. It's so frustrating to see some trying to make this a political issue at a time when people are suffering.
Feeling: BG is sick again. I'm pretty convinced that he's never fully recovered from what we got in November. I'd like to be sympathetic; but, honestly, I'm feeling a little cranky about having to wait on him again and do everything around here.
Looking forward to: Last week ended up being kind of a weird week so this week I'm looking forward to a normal week. Although I have no idea what's on the calendar, not having turned the page yet.
Question of the week: How are you holding up, now that the holidays are behind us and most of winter lies ahead?