Rebecca, of
Lost In Books, hosts The Book List meme and recently asked us to list the books that intimidate us. Piece of cake for me. While these are all books I probably should read, the only one I'm even remotely considering is The Canterbury Tales for The Gilmore Girls challenge. But I'll bet I'll find something to substitute for it!

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Ulysses by James Joyce
I don't recall The Metamorphosis being too difficult but it was years ago. I know better now that I wouldn't care for the other books you list here.
ReplyDeleteI am a bit nervous to jump into AS Byatt's Possession (I have it) because I fear the vocabulary will be way over my head.
I don't recall The Metamorphosis being too difficult but it was years ago. I know better now that I wouldn't care for the other books you list here.
ReplyDeleteI am a bit nervous to jump into AS Byatt's Possession (I have it) because I fear the vocabulary will be way over my head.
Nice list! The Canterbury Tales were actually pretty easy to read, if I remember high school correctly. And besides, each 'tale' is short, so you can take multiple breaks (if you want).
ReplyDeleteI am intimidated by anything by Virginia Woolfe. I know I should just buckle down and try one of her books, but I just feel like I will be so far out of my depth!
ReplyDeleteEven though I have read The Canterbury Tales under the guidance of an English teacher, the thought of reading something like this year later and on my own is pretty scary. I would put Beowulf in the same category!
ReplyDeleteGood choices--I would venture to say that Ulysses is the most intimidating. I found Canterbury Tales too daunting in audio version, but I would love to say that I have read it.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, Nicole, Beowulf would definitely be in the same category. Although both of my boys have studied it so maybe they could explain that one to me!
ReplyDeleteI have no desire to read these but part of it is because I do find them intimidating!
ReplyDeleteMine are:
ReplyDelete1. Ulysses
2. Ulysses
3. Ulysses
I read The Canterbury Tales last year, with my Dad. I'm not sure if I would have picked it on my own but you might remember that we take classes through Princeton's Alum Assoc and this was the book selected. It's more about doing something with my Dad. We just wrapped up an art appreciation class this week.
ReplyDeleteExploring the future of journalism is next.
The Metamorphosis is a novella, nothing to be scared of there. You can finish it in two sittings, no more. Ulysses on the other hand...I dabbled in both that and Portrait of the Artist, not really caring for either. Not sure if I'll be back.
ReplyDeleteOne day, however, I'm going to have to fight through more Faulkner. Never encountered a writer before or after that pushed me so close to my brain's limit (not Woolf, not Borges...no one!)
Yes Yes Yes. All these intimidate me. Actually, I've read a bit of Canterbury Tales and enjoyed, BUT it's always easier when in a classroom setting and you have discussion to help fill in the holes you didn't quite get.
ReplyDeleteRussian authors intimidate me! I talked about this a while back here: http://lovelaughterinsanity.blogspot.com/2009/04/sunday-salon-2-intimidation_9490.html
Great list, Lisa! I have read parts of The Canterbury Tales (along with a class) and can see why that one would be intimidating. I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle it on my own!
ReplyDeleteUlysses is another one that intimidates me.
I read The Metamorphosis in high school and really liked it, strange kid that I was. LOL