Sunday, February 28, 2016

Life: It Goes On - February 28

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! (sorry, George R.R. Martin!) It's been in the 40's during the week (with is above average) and our last two weekends have been glorious. Doors and windows open again this weekend and walks outside. I think we're going to survive.

Miss H even laid out in shorts and a tank top yesterday to catch some rays. While she watched "Fuller House" on her lap top. And cried over it. Anyone else's kids as excited as my daughter about this show?

This Week I'm:

Listening To: The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani - I'm about 3 1/2 discs in and enjoying it and finding it a good listen. Although I must admit that I found it odd when Enza and Ciro kissed for the first time after only knowing each other a short time and having just buried her beloved sister. But I'm along for the ride so I'll get over it. It's fifteen discs total so it will take me a good month to finish if I don't make any trips to Lincoln to visit my folks.

Watching: I've been imposing TCM on The Big Guy a lot the past month as they highlight movies that have been won Oscars in the past decades. Friday night he told me that "Laura" was "boring," a movie that IMDB rates 8.1 and Roger Ebert gave 4/4 stars. Although he did agree that Gene Tierney was beautiful and he did appreciate Vincent Price being in it. You can see the kind of struggle I've been facing this month.

Also, last night BG and I went to see "Spotlight." Wow! I haven't seen all of the movies up for best picture tonight but I definitely will not be surprised if this one wins. The acting is fantastic, particularly Michael Keaton and Mark Ruffle. It's one of those stories you know, but you really don't know. The extent of the coverup and lack of follow up on early leads in the priest abuse case in Boston is mind boggling.

Reading: I started 13 Ways To Look At A Fat Girl yesterday after finishing The Madonnas of Leningrad on Friday, which was one of my own damn books and on my ereader so it satisfied two of my reading goals for the year. I may try to squeeze in another of my own damn books before starting this months' book club selection. Would you recommend any of these?

Making:  It's warm, it's cold - and our dinners have reflected that! Chicken noodle soup one night, tacos on the patio last night. Today I'm making goodies to take to a party. I'm thinking brownie cheesecake bites but I'm stuck on an appetizer. Any suggestions for something fun and different?

Planning: On doing taxes this week. Yippee.

Thinking About: Some projects I want to get done around the house. Now to talk BG into them!

Enjoying: Time with Mini-me today. He works with Bhutanese senior citizen immigrants and today we're talking a lot about what happens to make people leave their homes and travel to an unknown country. Sorta timely, I think.

Feeling: Tired of extras - extra layers, extra sweeping, extra drive time, extra blankets. I'm ready to lighten up!

Looking forward to:  An Oscars watch, ladies night party tonight.

Question of the week:  What was the best movie you watched this year?


  1. Not read any of your possibilities, but I'd be interested to see what you think of The Year of Reading Dangerously

    1. I ended up going with Mennonite; thought I needed something funny. Now I don't know when I'm going to get to Reading Dangerously. May have to become my nightstand book and be one I read a little at a time.

  2. I totally forgot about Fuller House! I need to watch it. And looking forward to the Oscars too!

    1. Did you ever get a chance to watch Fuller House? After Miss H's initial binge, I haven't heard her mention it again. She's been pretty busy though, maybe just hasn't had a chance to watch again.

  3. I would highly recommend Brideshead Revisited. It is SUCH a good book.

    Hey, I love doing taxes. That should be a "Yippee!!!!" ;)

    1. I don't mind doing the taxes if I'm getting money back. I've worked really hard to figure out the sweet spot, though, where we're maximizing our money during the year and not letting the government borrow it for 12 months just so we can get a big chunk of cash at tax time. It was a lot more fun to get that big return though, especially when we had three kids we could claim as dependents!

  4. I mentioned to my husband I was curious about Fuller House and he laughed at me. Neither one of us were ever big fans of the original, although I did watch it when it was on now and then. Especially the early years. What did your daughter think? I am not too familiar with Spotlight. I used to be up on all the movies, but not for a few years now. I hope you have a great week, Lisa!

    1. My daughter cried watching Fuller House. She did watch Full House a lot when she was younger and will still watch it if she comes across it on t.v.
