Sunday, August 25, 2019

Life: It Goes On - August 25

The last Sunday of what I consider summer - why does summer have to go by so quickly?! Not only that but it's been grey and cool here the past few days; it doesn't even feel like summer any more. Which may account for why I'm starting to think about fall decorating (even as another part of my brain cries out "don't pack up the seashells yet!"). I feel like the summer has flown by and we haven't done nearly enough summery kinds of things. Hopefully, we'll still have some hot, summery days left in September for us to do some of those things.

Last Week I:

Listened To: I finished The Lager Queen of Minnesota and I am now an expert when it comes to the ingredients that go into a beer. Seriously - on CBS Sunday Morning they were talking about the ingredients in a particular new beer and I turned to my husband and said "I would like that beer with Citra and Simcoe hops." Friday I started Emma Donoghue's The Wonder, which is moody and Irish.

Watched: Friday night I watched three Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movies (thanks, TCM!), my Oakland Raiders preseason game, and the kickoff of college football yesterday.

Read: I'm really enjoying This Blessed Earth about a year in the life of a Nebraska farm family. It's slow going because I'm really wanting to make sure I'm soaking it up. I'm hoping to finish it in the next few days and can't wait to talk to people about it. The farm is only about ten miles from where my husband grew up so I can vividly picture the lay of the land.

Good thing you can't see the rest
of the room!
Made: My daughter's bed. It's a rare thing but once I got the painting done and the curtains hung, it was time to get the bedding on and I wanted at least one pic to know what the room could look like if she made the bed.

Enjoyed: Book club on Tuesday. We reading Michelle Obama's Becoming and enjoyed talking about the book and the roads that discussion took us down.

This Week I’m: 

Planning: It's wedding week for my niece! I'll be driving north with my parents and my family will follow the next day. By now you all know what a control freak I am so it won't surprise you in the least to know that leaving BG in charge of closing up the house and bringing up the rest of what we need to causing me to panic a bit. There will be long to-do lists left for him!

Thinking About: What books to take along. Which is a little silly because between actually be the driver for a good part of the trip and being busy with family and sightseeing, there won't be much time for reading. But you know I'll still probably bring a couple of books with me!

Feeling: A little silly. I'm feeling very sad that my kitty girl will be home alone for so long and I already know that I'll miss her and her silliness and snuggles. Those of you who don't have pets will think I'm crazy; those of you who do will completely understand.

Looking forward to: Duluth!

Question of the week: What's the one thing you always forget when you're packing for a trip?

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