Sunday, February 2, 2020

Life: It Goes On - February 2

Happy Sunday! It is truly a beautiful day in the neighborhood today. It's in the mid-50's, the sun is shining, and my back door is thrown open to let some fresh air into the house. In fact, it was sunny yesterday, as well, the first sunshine we'd seen in a week. I don't know about you but I'm so much more productive when the sun is shining. I knocked out almost all of the cleaning I was planning on doing this weekend yesterday so today can be spent on doing the things that are more fun.

The ground hog is forecasting an early spring, the weather is great, it's a palindrome date (02-02-2020!), and the Super Bowl is today. What more could a girl want?!

Last Week I:

Listened To: I finished Ruth Reichl's memoir, Save Me The Plums and started Dani Shapiro's memoir Inheritance. I was a little hesitant about jumping straight into another memoir but they are so different and, so far, I'm equally impressed with Shapiro's book so it's all good.

Watched: The Dirty Dozen Brass Band and Squirrel Nut Zippers in concert on Thursday with The Big Guy and some friends. Both bands are very different but both put on a great show and had the crowd on their feet dancing and clapping.

Read: I finished I'll Be Gone In The Dark and Make It Scream, Make It Burn and started Code Name Hèlenè. I've read about 60 pages and am racking my brain trying to remember which book I feel like I just read much the same story in; Pam Jenoff's The Lost Girls of Paris, I think.

Made: Guys, I actually cooked this week! It was The Big Guy's 60th birthday on Tuesday so we had a special family dinner. I made marinated pork chops (the best marinade I think I've ever made), candied carrots, Hasselback potatoes, and a new-to-me chocolate layered cake with an absolutely delicious frosting.
Enjoyed: Book club on Tuesday (those ladies can always lift my spirits!) and watching BG and Mini-him work together to try to fix my vacuum. They spent two hours working on it and were both frustrated not to be able to get it fixed but I thoroughly enjoyed watching them work together.

This Week I’m: 

Planning: My calendar is completely blank as far as to-do things is concerned. You know how much I love weeks like that! If it's warm enough, I'll probably get back to work on the basement reorganization project. If not, there's plenty that needs to be done in my office...again.

Thinking About: Even though it's just the beginning of February, I'm sort of over my winter decor so I'm thinking about putting away the snowmen, pine cones, and greenery. Although putting away the snowmen early tends to be a jinx, so we'll see.

Feeling: Happy - see paragraph two!

Looking forward to: Traveling along vicariously as Mini-him leaves for two weeks in Japan on Tuesday. The mom in me is a little anxious about him traveling to Asia with the corona virus spreading, but I'm so excited for him so have so many new experiences. 

Question of the week: Show of hands - who's ready for winter to be over?


  1. Yay for cooking! I"m not cooking much either these days but definitely need to get back to it. I really want to read the Ruth Reichl and Inheritance so I'm glad to see you've been impressed with both. Have a great week!

  2. "Read" the Reichl book on audio, if you can. She reads it and she does a marvelous job.

  3. I loved both of those audiobooks! They were among my favorites last year :)

    Your food sounds delicious! There wasn't much cooking here last week. It seems like if I don't plan menus Sunday or Monday, the week slides by with last-minute grocery store impulse buys or use-what's-left-in-the-freezer meals. Hope this week is more organized ;-)

  4. Haha. When I quickly glanced at those potatoes I saw "larvae" and not potatoes. I was like, what the heck is she making? they look so insectile at first glance.

    Winter. It's cold here. Was 35 when I got in the car today which is too cold for me. But I will enjoy it over 115 degrees in the summer.
