Sunday, March 1, 2020

Life: It Goes On - March 1

Happy, happy birthdays to our girls! We'll celebrate Miss H's 25th with a family dinner tonight. Wish Ms. S and our son could be with us so we could celebrate with her as well!

Guys, I think spring is really here - geese are flying north, we've had two great, warm weekends in a row, and the forecast is great for the next week and a half. I got up yesterday, looked at one of the trees I still had up and decided I was tired of it and all of the other winter decor so it's all down and boxed away until next winter. When I'll get around to putting anything else up on the mantle is anyone's guess!

Last Week I:

Listened To: I'm enjoying Tea Obreht's Inland but at the moment it's like listening to two different books at the same time. I'm assuming the two story lines will come together some time.

Watched: We're enjoying the new season of The Voice. It feels like they're trying to push some rock singers into play and we're hoping they get a better mix this year.

Read: I finished Simon Jimenez' The Vanished Birds and I've started Mary Doria Russell's The Women of Copper Country. Jimenez' book reminded me of how much I loved Russell's The Sparrow, so I decided it was time to pick up something else of hers.

Made: I made the best nachos the other night! Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make the right amount of anything for two people so we ate leftover nachos on soggy chips the next night. I've got to work on that! Today I'm making lasagna for the birthday dinner and a chocolate toffee cake. It has an entire cup of cocoa powder in it - have you ever heard of that much cocoa in one recipe?!

Enjoyed: Mini-him spent last Sunday afternoon here for dinner and we spent a couple of hours looking at his pictures from his trip to Japan. We had so many questions because everything is so different there! He brought us back so many souvenirs including a lot of candy. Did you know that in Japan you can get KitKat candy bars in all kinds of flavors, including matcha tea? I was pretty excited to get a tote bag from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics!

This Week I’m: 

Planning: On continuing on with 40 Bags In 40 Days which started on Wednesday. I've finished what I planned to do in the kitchen, started on my office, and The Big Guy started on his clothes. Marie Kondo he is not - the only thing he's actually finished so far is his shoes. To be fair, he does have a lot of shoes and he did get rid of 7 pair so he gets a pat on the head.

Thinking About: My niece, who's a great adventurer, has been posting a lot on Facebook recently about taking chances. So I took one. If it works out, I'll keep you posted.

Feeling: Like I need an extra day in every week for all of the things I want to do. I've got a stack of library books to read, I've got some furniture painting I'm eager to get to, and I want to do all of the spring cleaning right now.

Looking forward to: Daylight Savings Time next weekend!

Question of the week: Who else is ready to plant flowers and eat on the patio? Or are you hoping for a little more winter?


  1. Happy birthday Miss H! I'm enjoying The Voice. I think Nick Jonas is a nice addition. I don't really know anything about him musically but I like his personality. Happy spring and have a great week!

    1. I am liking the mix of judges this year - we were so over Gwen and Blake fawning all over each other.

  2. Hope both of the girls had happy birthdays! I can't wait to hear more about Inland... trying to remember if you read The Tiger's Wife. That one is still on my list, too. Hooray for spring :)

    1. I did like The Tiger's Wife and was impressed again by Obrecht's ability to wrangle so many story pieces at once.

  3. All that glorious candy! Why isn't there as many taste options with candy in the US? Happy birthday to the girls! Hope it was a fun day! I've got to get started on some Spring gardening work - it's at the top of my mind. I was debating if I should watch The Voice this time or not. John Legend and Kelly are awesome on there but will definitely miss the Blake-Adam camaraderie.

    1. My son's gf told us that in Japan, Kit Kat makes the different flavors for each region based on whatever grows there. I suppose that means we'd have corn flavored Kit Kats in the midwest!
