Sunday, March 16, 2025

Life: It Goes On - March 16

Happy Sunday! It was spring like all last week...until this weekend when we dropped back into the 40's. But at least the sun is shining and by this time of year, I know that the colder temps won't last long. I was pretty excited to look out my kitchen window the other day and see that my plants are starting to creep up from the ground! 

Running on fumes today. We've had company in town since Thursday to celebrate my dad's 90th birthday. The Missouri and Kansas contingents have all headed south and the northern contingent is off visiting friends so we have a little respite from having extra people around for a couple of hours. I love having my family around, but I'm so used to a quiet house (and such an introvert) that I need to have some down time by day four! Have taken advantage of the break to get laundry going, run the vacuum, and tidy up so I can head into this week without so much to do. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I finished Katherine Center's How To Walk Away, listened to a couple of hours of Jennifer Niven's All the Bright Places (before deciding to DNF it - just not for me) and started Therese Anne Fowler's Z, which I'm very much enjoying. 

Watched: Some college basketball but mostly my great niece and great nephews running around like crazy people. I'd forgotten how much energy little kids have! 

Read: I finished Lian Dolan's latest, Abigail and Alexa Save The Wedding, which was a lot of fun and gave me everything I've come to expect from Dolan's books. Today I'm starting Ruth Reichl's The Paris Novel, which I'll be racing through because I forgot that I have bookclub on Tuesday and it's this month's selection. 

Made: Marry Me Chicken Soup, lasagna, coffee cake, and yesterday my sister and I tag teamed to make pot roast with carrots and onions and mashed potatoes and gravy for my dad's party (his request). For a change, I took the advice of everyone who told me not to try to make the desserts myself and ordered pies (which my dad also requested, in lieu of birthday cake). 

Enjoyed: Family! My dad's facility had a great room that we could use for our party that held all 18 of us and opened on to a big patio so the kids could get out to run and play. My sister had done a lot to decorate and created a B-I-N-G-O game that all ages could play with a lot of prizes so we had fun with that. Almost everyone came to our house after to hang out and have supper, which was a little more relaxing, especially once I got a glass of wine in my hand!  


This Week I’m:  

Planning: Not a whole lot other than book club. For a bit last week, we thought we were going to end up having the party at our house so we raced to finish up a few small projects and do more cleaning, so I'm tired and may take it pretty easy this week. 

Thinking About: While we have been happy to have him with us for this long, we know that my dad is ready to be done. I used to think it was really great that my grandparents all lived to at least 90; but the older I get, the more I realize that's only a great thing if you're body still allows you to have a good quality of life. 

Feeling: Did I mention that I'm tired? 

Looking forward to: A quiet week. 

Question of the week: My dad prefers pie over cake so we had four different kinds of pie. Which would you have picked: strawberry rhubarb, lemon meringue, blackberry, or chocolate French silk? 

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