Sunday, March 9, 2025

Life: It Goes On - March 9

Happy Sunday! Wow are we having a March! Tuesday we had rain most of the day that turned to snow late in the day that turned into a blizzard that shut down most of the town Wednesday. Today it will be 64 degrees and most of the snow has already melted. Seems like a lot of the country is seeing this crazy weather lately! 

We have officially entered my happy time of year with the arrival today of daylight savings time. I know a lot of people struggle with springing forward and it does take me a hot minute to adjust. But it's well worth it, in my opinion, for that extra hour of sunlight when I get home from work. May our state legislators who want to end daylight savings time \

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I finished Bill Clegg's Did You Ever Have A Family (that was not at all what I was expecting!) and started Katherine Center's How to Walk Away.

 Some college basketball, some Renovation Aloha (our latest Sunday morning guilty pleasure) and Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy. It's not up to the original, but it does bring in all of the cast from the previous movies and ties things up nicely. 

Read: I'm reading both Claire Lombardo's Same As It Ever Was and Lian Dolan's Abigail and Alexa Save The Wedding

Made: I had a mental flashback to days of blizzards when my kids still lived at home and decided I need to back something to munch while we were shut in (for the whole whooping 24 hours that we didn't leave the house!) and made monster cookies. Then yesterday I made a gooey butter cake to redeem myself for the last one I made that was overcooked. 

Enjoyed: We were invited to Mini-him's and Miss C's apartment for dinner last night. Mini-him made Thai and I brought that cake; afterwards we played a couple of games - Utter Nonsense (where we discovered that none of us are very good at accents even after a couple of drinks!) and I Should Have Known That (which was great fun because I won!). 


This Week I’m:  

Planning: Getting the house ready for company this weekend and getting a meal plan in place. 

Thinking About: Gardens and flowers. 

Feeling: Strangely accomplished. I haven't gotten anything big done but have been knocking off a lot of little projects, including some I hadn't planned on doing, like polishing some brass pieces that I had never seen polished. 

Looking forward to: Friday my family arrives to celebrate my dad's 90th birthday (which is actually on Thursday), sixteen of us in all. We haven't had so many of us together in four years, since my mom died. 

Question of the week: How do you feel about Daylight Savings Time? 

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