Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Salon - November 13

I do not know how some of you do it - how do you work 50-60 hours a week and still get anything accomplished outside of work? I just gave up this week and decided I deserved to spend what free time I had largely reading. The Big Guy has been great for the past month with having dinner on the table when I get home from work and I have managed to stay on top of the laundry. But I seriously need a self-cleaning house!

Attention to those of you in the New York City area:

What: November 17th - Unique PEN Reading and Reception

Who: PEN American Center/Westbeth - featuring Lev Grossman, Henry Chang, Michael Greenberg, Lev Grossman, Sabina Murray, Rahna Reiko Rizzuto, Stephen Stark, Kevin Holohan and Hal Foster

When: Thursday, November 17, 2011. 7 p.m.

Where: Westbeth, 155 Bank Street, NY, NY

Details: PEN American Center in conjunction with Westbeth will host a one-of-a-kind literary adventure. Guests are invited to hear from two of New York City’s hippest and most experienced book sellers about the runaway hits, the beloved secrets, and the must-reads of the 2011 fall season; then wander the halls of Westbeth to attend live readings by PEN World Voices Festival authors in the homes of Westbeth residents. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to explore the oldest and largest artist community located in the heart of bohemian West Village, at 155 Bank Street, repurposed by renowned architect Richard Meier into 383 living and working lofts. Tickets may be purchased at

What fun it would be to attend!

New books I've been thinking about:

Stephen King's 11/22/63 - This one does intrigue me but I'm wondering if King is able to pull it off. Will probably hold off on this one until I hear what other people think.

Umberto Eco's The Prague Cemetary - I'm not sure any number of great reviews could convince me to read this one. Eco's The Name of the Rose is one of my all-time least favorite books ever. But the story does sound interesting...

Up This Week:

Fall Feasting is wrapping up. I didn't finish as many books as I wanted to and could certainly continue to read books about food through Thanksgiving but I'm ready for something different. This week I'm going to tie Mythology Monday and Fairy Tale Fridays into Fall Feasting and finish the Feast with my review of The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister.

I'm going to spend the rest of the year working on books that I'd hoped to get to this year for challenges. First up is Robert Hick's A Separate Country and I'm also hoping to finish This Republic of Suffering at last. It's fascinating but I can only absorb so much at a time.

What are you reading this week?


  1. hmmm... I also work 60+ hours a week. I often wonder why I never sit down and fall asleep the minute I sit to read/watch the news. I'm always tired. I often ask people how they read 3,4,5 books a week... I don't know how they do it (even if they speed read).

    Let me know if you discover the magic... I could use some help over here (ha).

  2. What does PEN stand for? I'm very close to Westbeth and I think I could probably attend.

  3. Nearly the end of the year and my reading has been slow despite having plenty of time during the weekdays. However, I think the pattern of reading one book a week and managing less posts on my two blogs has settled down into a routine, thanks to an understanding husband who has his own interests, but also likes cooking every other evening!
    Like the sound of your end-of-year wrap-up and new books you might or might not read. Personally, I'm tempted by Umberto Eco, but The Name of the Rose is the only novel of his I've read, loved and found incomparable with others of the same genre - I think the movie helped!
    Happy reading!

  4. I really want to read the Stephen King book too, but I'll also wait for the reviews first!

  5. Even those of us who work inside the home find out that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done, and fall into our beds with lists of unfinished tasks! At least that's what happens over here! It sounds like you have a good plan for your reading time, and I hope that you get it all done! I am starting the Rachel Dupree book this afternoon, and hoping to make some headway into the audio version of Unbroken for book club!

  6. I don't know how some people do it either. And if you discover that self-cleaning house, let me know. ;)

    So, question about the Fall Feasting--is that something that you did on your own? If so, I definitely think you should make it an event next year. I'd love to join in.
