I have no idea why I suddenly became a Southerner – you would not believe how often I randomly start talking in some accent that makes no sense at all. Nevertheless, I am finally embracing the fact that it’s fall. I bought a small mountain of pumpkins on Saturday and decided, almost as soon as I left the farm, that I need more. Even though I have no idea where I’m putting all of the pumpkins and gourds I already bought. Miss H would say I’m “so extra.”
Last Week I:
Listened to: All Hamilton, all of the time. I anticipate that I’ll continue to listen to it some this week as I relive the show but I think it’s time to move on, too, to Roxane Gay’s Hunger.
Watched: The season finale of America’s Got Talent and lots of football. Friday, The Big Guy splurged and went to the cheap theater to see Yesterday. We both enjoyed it a lot. For the drive home I even turned off Hamilton so that I could listen to the Beatles.
Read: I finished Tiny Beautiful Things and This Blessed Earth and read Lucy Kinsey’s Relish: My Life In The Kitchen as part of my Fall Feasting reading. Today I’m starting Jessica Fechtor’s Stir.
Made: Remember how I told you last week that I had my cooking mojo back? Yeah, not so much this week. I did make a yummy chicken pasta dish one night. In my defense, there has been a lot of coming and going this week at our house so it’s been a lot of quick and easy meals for whoever happened to be home to eat that night.
Enjoyed: I think enjoyed might be too weak a word. Mini-him and I went to Hamilton yesterday. There’s a part of me that wishes I weren’t so family with the soundtrack so I hadn’t spent so much time comparing voices but I really did love it. The cast was wonderful and the staging was just incredible. It was fun to get Mini-him’s perspective on how this performance was different from the one he’d previously seen and to hear the responses of those around us who clearly weren’t familiar with the music.
This Week I'm:
Thinking About: We spent Saturday with our friends whose son died a few months ago. They are learning to move on but it’s tough. Each of the family is grieving in their own way and it’s definitely a strain on their relationships. I can’t stop thinking about the long road they still have ahead of them.
Feeling: A little down. I’d been looking forward to Hamilton for months and I’m a little sad that it’s now in the past. Unless I wanted to pony up another couple hundred to go see it again. I’m going to say that The Big Guy probably won’t go for that!
Looking Forward To: A quiet week. We have absolutely nothing on the calendar. Hopefully more time home this week means my house can be put back to rights.
Question of the Week: How many pumpkins do you buy?
Happy Autumn days to you too! I love the way you mark the beginning of this season with special Fall decorations. Pumpkins are becoming popular here too. Seeing all yours - different shapes, sizes and colours makes me want to go get some! Hope you have a relaxing week.