Sunday, September 8, 2019

Life: It Goes On - September 8

Grey, gloomy, and threatening to rain - so far September is looking very much like much of August. I'm not a fan of weather like this in the first place; but the fact that it is making it difficult for my tomatoes to ripen is making me more than a little cranky. It has made for excellent reading weather, which is a good thing because I have so many book checked out from the library that are about to expire. Why do they all have to become available at the same time?!

Last Week I:

Listened To: I'm hoping to finish Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine today so I can get back to The Wonder tomorrow. I'm sure I've read reviews of Eleanor Oliphant but it still surprised me by its dark undertone.

Watched: Football - it's back for real now! Also, I've finally reached the final season of Orange Is The New Black. This morning I'm watching a marathon of Good Bones on HGTV.

Read: I'd been racing through books until the past couple of weeks when I hit Midnight In Chernobyl, which is over 1000 pages long. Also, I'm pretty sure I only read about 100 pages in the six days I was six days I was out of town.

Made: Bruschetta, nachos, caprese pasta, salads - lots of summer kinds of foods. Yesterday, though, I pulled out a container of frozen chicken taco soup because it was chilly and it has me thinking of new soups to try. As much as I hate for summer to end, I can't seem to stop myself from moving into fall!

Enjoyed: Friday evening on the patio with friends. We'd planned to do happy hour but it was so nice we decided we needed to make sure we could sit outside for as long as we wanted. It was the kind of evening I live for all winter!

This Week I’m: 

Planning: I'm not sure what project is up next. I've got a big reorganization planned for the basement but I'm not sure I want to spend nice days down working on that. Perhaps it's time to try deconstructing a chair. Or maybe I'll just sew some new pillow covers instead. That seems more do-able, right?

Thinking About: Christmas. Yes, I said it. It's time to start thinking about gifts before I'm racing around like a chicken with my head cut off in December. I've got some ideas for gifts to make and those always take longer than I think they will.

Feeling: There are some things going on right now that have me a little cranky and stressed. Stupid, toxic people need to get out of my life. And I need to find ways to decompress.

Looking forward to: Time with friends and family next weekend!

Question of the week: Of course, I turn to books to relax but I need your best ideas for other ways to find your inner peace. What's your go-to to put yourself in a better place?

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