Thursday, October 17, 2024

Life: It Goes On - October 17

Happy Thursday! It's been that kind of week when I'm only just now getting around to a post I normally get done on Sunday! But this week's goings on are for another I'm playing catch up. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: Vampires In The Lemon Grove and I started Helen Simonson's latest, The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club. We also listened to some podcasts while we were on the road...but I already can't remember which ones. 

Watched: Our great-nephew play t-ball. He's six, but plays on a team of six-and-under kids, so he's playing with a lot of four-year-olds. He towers over them! Also, I'd forgotten how hilarious little children are in their early attempts at organized sports. 

Read: Guys, I'm doing such a poor job at picking up a book and actually finishing it. I keep starting things then realize I need to be reading something else before it goes back to the library or my early copy is no longer available. 

Made: My take on Molly Yeh's beans and greens with runny egg, which we both really liked but I'll need to tweak some when we make it again. 

Enjoyed: A three-day weekend trip to Columbia, MO. We got to spend Friday afternoon and dinner with our friends there; went to that t-ball game; hung out at my niece's; went to a winery on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River and then went to a landing that sits right on the river to listen to a band; stopped by Miss H's on our way home; and picked up some new-to-us dining room chairs in K.C. that I found on Facebook Marketplace. A busy, but very fun weekend! 


This Week I’m:  

Planning: Now that I have those new chairs, the two that I prepped for painting can go to Mini-him and Miss C so I need to get those painted. 

Thinking About: Politics. Part of me is trying hard not to because it's so stressful. The other part of me is wanting to get more involved. 

Feeling: Nervous. I got talked into going to my class reunion this weekend and I'm honestly not looking forward to it. Why did I do this to myself?!

Looking forward to: Several fun things that I'm hoping to do this weekend. More on that on Sunday. 

Question of the week: Am I the only one who feels like time is speeding up? We have so many things I want to get done before we have a house full of people for Thanksgiving and there's been so little time to actually get to any of it. 

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