Sunday, October 6, 2024

Life: It Goes On - October 6

Happy Sunday! This week has reminded me of a Jane Austen quote: "Life is but a quick succession of busy nothings." My calendar looked pretty clear, but somehow I managed to be quite busy all this past week. 

I got Mini-him's dresser finished (at last!) and we got that delivered to them on Monday. I'm really pleased with how it turned out but completely forgot to take a picture of it before it left our house. One night we switched mattresses, trying to find one that would be better for my back; another night was spent cleaning up potted plants outside so that they will look good for a little longer. On paper, each of these things only takes up one line on the to-do list so I'm always surprised but how much of an evening they can take up. Busy nothings. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: Karen Russell's Vampires In The Lemon Grove, which I'll finish today. Next up is Helen Simonson's The Hazelbourne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club

Watched: The usual football and volleyball and I started Season 2 of Bridgerton. I don't love it as much as I did the first season (I miss Rege Jean Page), but it suits for my mood of watching nothing too stressful. 

Read: Karen Russell's latest, The Antidote, and Somerset Maugham's Of Human Bondage, which I'm reading as part of a read along with Ti, of Book Chatter

Made:  We're enjoying the last of the tomatoes in BLTs and pasta, the Big Guy cooked up a pork tenderloin and baked potatoes one evening, and I made a pea and bacon pasta, which will be a repeat. Today I've made a peanut butter pie and will make up some pizza cups for dinner tonight with Mini-him and Miss C. 

Enjoyed: Dinner out with friends last night at a favorite place and ice cream after at a new-to-us place. A day running errands - the kind of day where you have some time to browse, but also tick a lot of things off of the to-do list. Pumpkins and mums are now on the porch, some Christmas gifts were purchased, and I have the paint for my next project.


This Week I’m:  

Planning: I've got a couple of chairs I want to get painted this week, which will eventually go to Mini-him and Miss C, but maybe not until after Thanksgiving, when I'll need every chair we own. 

Thinking About: I RSVP'd to attend my class reunion in a couple of weeks. I was peer pressured into it. How is it that, at my age, I'm still vulnerable to that? 

Feeling: Accomplished after a productive weekend but wishing I had another day to get more done while I'm in the groove. 

Looking forward to: Seeing family and friends next weekend. 

Question of the week: If you live somewhere where winter impacts what you get done, what's one project you're still hoping to get done before it's too cold to be outside?

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