Last Sunday we had a blizzard. Tuesday we got several more inches of snow right at rush hour. Yesterday we had the back door standing open all afternoon. If you've gotta have winter, this is the way to do it!

This Week I'm:
Listening To: Still listening to Life After Life and still loving it. I'm half tempted to just drive around for a few hours to get in some more listening time!
Watching: "P. S. I Love You" (Miss H had never seen it), "Anastasia" (the animated movie - we can both sing along to the entire movie still), and "Frozen" (I had never seen it!) with Miss H and "Box Trolls" and "Infamous" with The Big Guy. It's winter - time to catch up on movies!
Reading: My Christmas present from Mini-him finally arrived - a new Nook charger! I can't tell you excited I was to see all of the books I have waiting for me on it. I have too many commitments just now to read any of them right now, though.
Have you read any books already this year that you think will still be on your "best of" list at the end of the year?
Making: Cookies, grilled cheese, tuna casserole and ham and beans. We went old school last week.
Planning: A night away from home. We've got a free hotel night that needs to be used soon so we're trying to decide if we should just do a stay-cation night in Omaha or head out of town. It's always nice to get out of town but as long as I'm out of the house I can relax.
Grateful for: Much as I disliked driving in it, I'm grateful for the snow. It's beautiful, we need the moisture, and it makes us appreciate days like today that much more.
Enjoying: Traveling to Boulder vicariously through Mini-me who headed there this weekend with his friend. First inkling I had that he was going was when he sent me this picture with the caption "Guess where I'm at" as they hit the foothills of the Rockies. Yesterday he went snowshoeing for the first time.
Feeling: Lazy. I swear I got almost nothing done around the house last week. After taking Monday off, I decided I didn't want to take vacation time if I didn't need to so I spent the rest of the week making up the time. Didn't leave much energy to do anything when I got home. Makes for a busy Sunday!
Looking forward to: Valentine's dinner with a group of friends we met when our kids were all swimming together in high school. It's gotten to be a tradition; we always meet at one of our houses so we don't have to fight the restaurant crowds and everyone pitches in. Always great food!
What are you looking forward to this week?
Nice Valentine idea. Have fun
ReplyDeleteBut no words on whether you liked Frozen or not? :P I LOVE Anastasia as well and always get excited when Elle chooses that movie to watch. With any old animated movie, though, she wants to know "Mommy, how do you know all these songs!" :) You had a really busy week! And so fun that you were able to spend so much time with Miss H. Love that you guys watched old movies (for the most part). And ham and beans is a big favorite in our house, least for some of the others!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great week!
I did like Frozen, Trish; although I will admit that it took me a bit to warm up to Olaf!
DeleteNo "best of" books for me yet this year... hoping I'm not in a slump.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to my sister and BIL's visit, beginning on Saturday!
Hope you have a great week, Lisa.
I also only recently watched Frozen for the first time. It was cute. I sure hope we get some good snow this year before Sprint hits, though with the very beautiful 70 F weather we had today, it's hard to wish for something that insane!
ReplyDeleteWhen I used to stay home with the kids and didn't have to drive far even when they did have school, I loved the snow ever so much more. And on snow days, we loaded up with junk food and cocoa and made a great day of it. Now I'm just over the terrible driving conditions!
DeleteMy Valentine's Day morning will be spent waiting in line, trying to get a spot for The Girl in the next production of The Sound of Music. She needs a wrist band just to audition. I will be there at 4 am on Saturday!! I am nuts.
ReplyDeleteWe watch a lot of Frozen around here. The Tornado isn't sold on the whole Princess stuff but he loves Olaf and he loves the songs. I've never watched Anastasia but I really want to! I remember when it came out but was too old to watch it on my own but didn't have children to watch it with. I'll have to watch it some night. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteWe had our windows open yesterday afternoon. The house was so warm! We're expecting rain later this week, and I do hope it comes.
ReplyDeleteI still know all the words to the songs in Anastasia too. :-) Love that musical. We made Mouse watch Lady and the Tramp (she hates watching movies) and she enjoyed it. Mostly.
I hope you enjoy your night out of town! That sounds like fun!
I hope you have a great week!
I haven't seen Frozen yet. :(
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great but busy week! I'm reading the invention of wings right now and am not hiking it'll sta high on the list :)