Sunday, June 13, 2021

Life: It Goes On - June 13

Happy Sunday! The sun is shining, it's going to be very warm today, and the list of to-do's is long so I should be dressed and outside working. Instead, I've been lounging, watching cooking shows and drinking coffee. I needed this. But as soon as I finish this, it's time to get moving so I can be done in time to spend the evening with friends. 

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: I finished Heartland and now I'm finally back to Truly, Madly Guilty, which I'd gotten about 1/3 of the way through before my loan expired a few months ago. I'd intended to finish it up on my Nook copy but completely forgot about it. 

Watched: We've watched some more of Outlander, some America's Got Talent, and, as I said, cooking shows. Of course, now I want to abandon my plans for the day and just cook. Too bad there's no time for that. 

Read: I finished The Last Chance Library and now I'm reading A Winter Night, which I'll be reviewing this week for TLC Book Tours. 

Made: Burgers, brownies, beef and bean enchiladas - and then it was back to salads. How can my evenings feel too busy to cook these days when I used to be able to find the time when there were five of us with so many activities to do?

 This picture Mini-him sent me of my dad at the Cornhusker's football practice facility. Mini-him and I went in to have dinner with my dad on Tuesday and Mini-him asked if my dad would like to go with him to the facility on Thursday when he had to go work on their scoreboard. I love that my kids want to spend time with my dad and that my dad was able to go do this. My dad's patiently waiting for the guys to finish up there work, but doesn't he look like a bored teenager?!

This Week I’m:  

Planning: On finally getting that desk finished. I know, I know - I keep saying that. But today I start painting the body and staining the drawers. 

Thinking About:
What it takes to learn how to drive a new vehicle these days. I thought we were buying out the lease on the vehicle I had. Suddenly Thursday the dealership called with a sweet deal we couldn't pass up and Friday I picked up my new vehicle. We drove to Lincoln and back yesterday trying to figure out how to make the things that are new to us work. Two old dogs trying to learn new tricks. 

Feeling: Relieved. Miss H has not been feeling well for several weeks. This weekend she got worse and last night finally relented to letting her roommate take her to the emergency room. Finally an answer, some relief from the pain, and meds to get her back on track. Being a mom is the greatest and worst thing in the world all in one and being three hours away when your kids' health becomes an issue is so hard!

Looking forward to: Holy smokes - it's going to be the third Tuesday of the month this week, which means it's book club week. Completely lost track of that so I need to get ready for that but also, yea!, I get to see my friends!

Question of the week: I like to think I'm organized and on top of things. And then I completely drop the ball. Give me your best tip for keeping track of the things on your calendar!


  1. I know exactly what you mean about that learning curve with new cars! I'm so comfortable with my vehicle now, 80,000+ miles and 5 years later. There is so much new technology, just in that short time period, that I dread the day we need to replace it!

  2. We've had the car for a couple of months now and I still don't even know all of the things it will do. But I'm pretty comfortable now with all of the things I NEED it to do so that's good.
