Sunday, June 27, 2021

Life: It Goes On - June 27

Happy Sunday! The clouds have parted, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the heat has let up. It's going to be a lovely day after a week of rain, heat and humidity. Some time on the patio this evening will definitely be in order. 

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: Jenny Lawson's Broken. People, that woman is so funny - one day I was literally driving down the road laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face. I may even have guffawed! 
Watched: Lots of College World Series, Olympic trials (swimming, track and field, men's and women's gymnastics), and cooking shows. You know how much I love the Olympics so you won't be surprised to find out that I'm, once again, contemplating taking some time off to watch the games so I wanted to be up on the American athletes to be watching for.

 I finished Peter Geye's latest, Northernmost. The other day I received some fun book mail from Spiegel and Grau so now I'm looking forward to starting Fox and I: An Uncommon Friendship by Catherine Raven. 

Made: Goulash (because one rainy, chilly evening called for warm hearty food), strawberry shortcake (because it's summer!), and loose meat sandwiches. 

 Moving the desk I've been working on into her new home. I'm so pleased with the way it turned out! 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: Now that the desk is in place, there is some rearranging to be done with other furniture in my family and living rooms. That sounds simple enough but moving a computer, touch up painting, and getting speakers put up will make it all more work. 

Thinking About: Ways to use my air fryer. My dad just bought one and I need to be able to help him find ways to use his but I've hardly used mine in five months. 

Feeling: Excited to have a four-day weekend coming up. My sister and brother-in-law are coming to my dad's so we'll spend time with them but I'll also have time to just relax. 

Looking forward to: Spending time with friends that get together once a year when some of the group come up for the College World Series. I missed seeing everyone last year!

Question of the week: Do you have big plans for the Fourth of July?


  1. I think I've used the air fryer that I got for Christmas maybe 3 times. I need to play with it some more. I love Jenny Lawson and in the library queue for Broken. I love her books on audio! Have a great week!

    1. I think if my air fryer were on the counter I'd use it more. But it's so big and I hate clutter on my counter!

  2. I have Fox & I as well. It will good, I think.

    Hot, hot, hot here. It's really affected the pup walking. Plus, first time in eleven years she is dealing with a flea issue. Must be how dry it is here.

    1. Fleas? Oh no! did you get her over them quickly?

  3. Do you use all of the small appliances? I don't know that I use all of mine often enough to justify them. On the other hand, once you've used some of them, you can't imagine how to cook certain things without those special gadgets.
