Sunday, July 25, 2021

Life: It Goes On - July 25

Happy Sunday from, once again, cloudy Omaha! Would have been an easy day to sleep the morning away. Wait! I did that yesterday - I didn't wake up until 10:30!In my defense, I'd been up very late watching the Olympics. Because that's what I do when the Olympics are on. Last night I couldn't go to bed before watching the women win in both volleyball and softball. It'll be hard to get me away from a television for the next couple of weeks. 

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: Daphne du Maurier's My Cousin Rachel, which is read by the actor Jonathan Pryce. He is fantastic! 

Watched: ALL of the sports! I still haven't found the new-to-me sport that will capture my love as curling did ten or so years ago. 

Read: I read like crazy early in the week to finish three books that I needed to have finished for varying reasons. I finished The Guest List, The Summer Before The War, and The Ocean In Winter. I really need to do a better job of keeping track of when things will be due so I don't do that to myself so often!

Made: More caprese salad (it basically lives in my refrigerator in the summer), naked pasta with tomato and basil, and Spam sandwiches just like Mom used to make. 

 Date night with the hubby. We hit up our favorite pizza place in Omaha followed by ice cream at one of the great creameries in town. I went with the tried-and-true coffee flavor but The Big Guy got basil and white chocolate and it was amazing. 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: Miss H is coming to town this weekend so, while I'm cleaning the guest room for her and putting on clean sheets, I'm going to do some rearranging and organizing in there. 

Thinking About: One of the accounts I follow on Instagram has adopted the philosophy, as she tries to find a way to tackle all that needs to be done as a new mom, "Inch by inch, life's a cinch; yard by yard, life is hard." I had a migraine Friday that resulted in what I call a headache hangover yesterday. Making myself get up and get busy was hard but I finally decided I'd work inch by inch and ended up getting a lot done. I think that will be my new philosophy - it's certainly the way I've traditionally tackled big projects so it shouldn't be hard to adopt for every day life. 

Feeling: A bit sad, if I'm honest. I found out this week that Mini-me and Ms. S will be moving to Alaska in October. What a great adventure for them but it will mean we'll see much less of them. 

Looking forward to: My sister and niece are coming down this weekend for a baby shower for my niece. I'm looking forward to seeing them and hoping my other niece, who recently had a baby, will also be able to come so that I can meet that little man. 

Question of the week: What's on the menu this week? I'm on the struggle bus in the kitchen right now and need ideas?


  1. I am the wrong person to ask about a menu. We would eat toast all week long if they didn't complain about it. Gluten free toast, at that.

    I didn't expect to watch any of the Olympics but I got pulled into the skateboarding event as well as the kayak/canoe slalom. My daughter told me cheer leading is one of the new sports but I haven't seen it yet.

  2. I made a great middle-eastern-type salad last night with couscous, baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and a seasoned oil and lemon juice dressing. YUM! Cool to prepare and cool to eat. It was a hit with everybody - even the spinach hater. :-)
