Sunday, January 8, 2023

Life: It Goes On - January 8

Happy Sunday! I'm going to be brief today; I'm cleaning (and sterilizing) the house before my brother and sister-in-law arrive. It's been a week. The Big Guy hadn't been feeling well for five or six days so I finally convinced him to go to the doctor - adult RSV. He's finally past contagious state and (knock on wood) I managed to avoid catching it. So happy he's feeling better...and much less crabby! 

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: I'm listening to Nick Hornby's Funny Girl, which I'm really enjoying. Also, listened to Six on repeat because...well, you'll see in a bit. 

Watched: Football. I've got to tell you, what happened to Damar Hamlin had me really thinking about my love of the sport. 

Read: I hemmed; I hawed. I couldn't decide what to start the year with. And then I remembered that I have three books from the library that need to be read. So I'm now reading Dirtbag, Massachusetts: A Confessional by Isaac Fitzgerald, a book I found out about after watching Fitzgerald give his book recommendations for Christmas gifts on one of the morning "news" shows. 

Made: It's been a week of simple, basic eating for several reasons. Loaded baked potatoes, potato soup, soft shell tacos, pizza. 

 My birthday present from my dad - tickets to see Six. BG and I had dinner at one of our fave places and then went to the show. The emptiness in front of the theater? Deceiving. The show was sold out and the house was rocking by the time the show was over. It was so much fun!

This Week I’m:  

Planning: I have been the worst book club leader this past year and only just today finally got the reading list for this year put together and posted. And that's not the only place I've fallen behind in my blogging. So this week, I'm going to work on getting caught up on blogging. I used to enjoy it so much; but it's one of the things I lost my joy of doing in 2022. I'm going to get that back!

Thinking About: I was talking to a (young) coworker the other day and it occurred to me that I'm only 15 years from reaching the average life expectancy for a female in the United States. Fifteen years. That's not nearly long enough to do everything I still want to do. So there's my incentive to get back on track with my eating and to get up and move.

Feeling: A little cranky myself. I broke a tooth the other day and will need to have a crown put on. What a way to start off the year! At least that tooth already had a root canal so I don't have to pay for that and this isn't hurting. 

Looking forward to: I'm making supper at my dad's tonight. We'll be having ebelskivers, which I haven't made in far too long. 

Question of the week: Are you a fan of musical theater? If so, what's the last show you saw? 

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