Sunday, January 15, 2023

Life: It Goes On - January 15

Happy Sunday! Finally the sun is shining AND it's going to be warm (at least by Nebraska in January standards). Time to throw the doors and windows open for a bit and get some fresh air in this place! 

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: I finished by first book of 2023, Nick Hornby's Funny Girl. Then I've got Beartown back so I'll finish that. 

Watched: The Big Guy was out a couple of nights this week and I had the tv to myself. What to watch, what to watch? Apparently it was finally my time to jump on the Bridgerton bandwagon. Yes, yes...the bandwagon is long gone and no one is talking about the series any more but that's the way I roll. I've watched five episodes but I'm not sure I'll continue beyond season one. Let's be honest, I'm really only watching to see Rege-Jean Page and I'm told he's gone in season two, so...

Read: I'm bouncing between my book club book for January, Kelly Corrigan's Glitter and Glue, and Isaac Fitzgerald's Dirtbag, Massachusetts. However, I did just get notice that my copy of Nina Totenberg's Dinners With Ruth is due back at that library in a couple of days so I'll be setting aside Dirtbag, Massachusetts until after I read that. 

Made: Chicken and orzo soup and homemade mac and cheese. I know I made more this week but I can't for the life of me remember what. I am back to cooking at least!

Enjoyed: A quiet week with plenty of time to get things done around here, including some organizing/purging. All of which is so good for my mood.

No before pic but it 
had three layers of
paint and you could 
barely read "Matches"

This Week I’m:

Planning: On getting more organizing and purging done, finishing up my first project of the year (and then figuring out where I'm putting it because, heaven forbid I figured that out before I took the time to work on the piece!), and considering my next project. 

Thinking About: Politics. The thing that will definitely kill the buzz I get from throwing things out! 

Feeling: Relaxed. Which is perfect for a Sunday. 

Looking forward to: A friend's birthday party this afternoon and then dinner with friends. 

Question of the week: I have been friends with the couple we are having dinner with since 1979 (BG since 1974). Do you still see friends that you have known since middle school or college? 


  1. We had some sun yesterday too and it felt great. Too bad it will get rainy and snowy next week.

    I quit book club for a while as the book lists were too restricted and not at all inclusive of diverse authors. I have yet to find a good replacement club.

  2. I'm quite jealous of your sunny weather! We're at the same temp, but it's pouring and very windy. Sigh.

    I love Kelly Corrigan (esp. Tell Me More) and enjoyed Glitter and Glue, but didn't love it.

    I've been doing a lot of organizing and purging of unused items. I got hooked on @aullorganized on Instagram and have been following her daily prompts for January. A woman after my own heart! :)

  3. When my husband isn't home I never watch TV. Ha! I have become a professional loafer. Since COVID in June remaining upright is a problem for me. My doc says it's my low iron. I disagree.

  4. The sun was out yesterday but it's raining now and will get much colder after tomorrow evening! Winter in the NW Ohio! What to do....Read and carry on, lol.

  5. It was sunny yesterday but we will have cloudy cold weather from tomorrow on. Reading weather.
