Sunday, January 22, 2023

Life: It Goes On - January 22

Happy Sunday from grey and foggy Omaha! So many grey days this month, making the long, long month of January even longer. It's been a weird week but at least it was capped off by a visit from Miss H, which is always good for my soul. We worked on going through all of the things she had stored upstairs at my house. Result: 2 big garbage bags of clothes, a dozen frames and prints, and a grocery bag of things to go to charity, plus a half a big garbage bag of actually garbage. You all know how happy that made me! Unfortunately, she had to get up super early and head south so we weren't able to get as much done as I was hoping to accomplish AND I've already had to have a nap this morning. 

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: Beartown. I'm wishing I had this in print. There are quite a lot of passages that would be highlighted if I owned a copy. I will say, this one took a turn that I did not see coming and it's making it a tough listen.

 Guys, we finally started watching Wednesday! Knocked out an episode both nights this weekend with Miss H. Also, I finished the first season of Bridgerton. Knowing that Rege-Jean Page will not be in season 2, I was pretty sad to finish season 1. And unsure how I feel about starting season 2. 

Read: I'm making slow progress through Dinners with Ruth. Can't seem to make myself pick up a book this week. I need to get back to just putting books on my to-be-read list (instead of immediately requesting them from the library) so that I can pick them up to read when my mood is right for that book. 

Made: Goulash, chocolate chip cookies, a Thai chicken recipe that Miss H found. 

Enjoyed: Thirty-six or so hours with my girl. Well, most of that time. The Big Guy decided he needed to car shop for her while she was here and it put Miss H in a foul mood for a couple of hours (especially since it didn't even end up with her in a new vehicle!). I'm always happy to have her sorting through the stuff she left behind here so that I can free up some space but that time is also time we get a good chance to talk, laugh, tease each other, and to really talk. 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: Even though 40 Bags In 40 Days is still a month away, I'm on a roll with the decluttering and I'm going to keep working on that this week. I'm hoping to finish the guest rooms (slash storage rooms for the things my kids left behind). 

Thinking About: Every Sunday we turn on the tv and watch CBS Sunday Morning and then several cooking shows. And every Sunday I think I need to start cooking more. But it's hard to cook for only two people, as so many of you know. So I'm thinking that it may be time to host a party and try out some new recipes. 

Feeling: I know I just had quite a few days off of work over the holidays but those days were busy with holiday kinds of things. I'm feeling like I need a few days off of work to just putter and do the things around here that will help me feel relaxed. 

Looking forward to: Next weekend is BG's birthday so we'll celebrate that. 

Question of the week: Football's about over and I'm going to have three evenings a week of television time freed up. What shows would you recommend we start watching?


  1. I've been on a de-cluttering roll myself. I have two big bags (garbage size) ready to go to Goodwill tomorrow afternoon. I've been organizing the pantry, medicine cupboards, under the bathroom sink, my closets, etc. It's such a good feeling to know where things are!

    We've been enjoying Magpie Murders (on PBS), as well as The Brokenwood Mysteries (I think it's on Acorn). Also watched the "new" James Bond movie, which we both loved. Daniel Craig. Need I say more? :)

  2. Hope you enjoyed that Thai recipe! We used to eat lots of Thai until I had to cut the spices from my diet. Miss it though.
