Sunday, March 12, 2023

Life: It Goes On - March 12

Happy Sunday! I just noticed, as I pulled up Blogger, that I had a post that was unpublished because it violated Community Guidelines. Huh??? It doesn't even tell me what post it was and, for the life of me, I don't remember posting anything since last Sunday (or should I say attempting to post something). And what in the world might I have said that violated community guidelines? Because my blogging grew up with my mom reading it, I've always tried to be cautious of what I said in my posts so minimal cursing, minimal talk about any kind of subject that might be offensive to anyone. Oh, well. It's not like I'm losing a lot of money because of this. If I were, I'd sure be doing a better job of getting reviews posted!

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I finished Dave Grohl's The Storyteller (which I really enjoyed) and have started Jennifer Givhan's River Woman, River Demon which I found through the library. It's the Together We Read book for March. 

Watched: I'm watching the Oscars even as we speak. 

Read: I finished Jackal and have started Ari Shapiro's The Best Strangers In The World.

Made: My sister, sister-in-law and I made birthday dinner for my dad - pot roast, carrots, roasted broccoli, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh fruit, Coke cake. It was so fun having my siblings, their spouses, my aunt and uncle all here to celebrate my dad's birthday and to say goodbye to my parents' house. 

 The Big Guy and I went to see Les Miserables last night and it was soooooo good! I was hoping Mini-him's date to see it tonight would fall through so I could go see it again!

This Week I’m:  

Planning: My plans for this coming weekend fell through so I'm looking forward to a quiet week, with lots of purging. 

Thinking About: Life and taking care of this only body I have (don't panic, I'm fine!). 

Feeling: So, so ready for spring - it was so cold here today and I am so over it! 

Looking forward to: See Planning. 

Question of the week: Do you watch the Academy Awards?

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