Sunday, March 26, 2023

Life: It Goes On - March 26

It looked like this yesterday!
Happy snowy Sunday. Yep, it snowed here last night, after two days in the mid-50's. Not much, and the roads and sidewalks are dry; but enough to put my dreams of dinners on the patio to rest for a while. 

I realized last Sunday, after I posted, that I had not reviewed pending comments in months. I'm so off my game! Favor to ask of those of you who leave comments anonymously - can you please leave your first name in the comment so I know that it's one to keep? Maybe, maybe life will become more settled soon and I can start responding to comments again and being a better blogging friend!

Last Week I: 

Listened To: Jane Harper's Dry Season, which I really enjoyed. I'm now back to Jennifer Chiaverini's Enchantress of Numbers

Watched: Lots of college basketball, some college baseball, the final episode of season five of The Crown and the last three episodes of Inventing Anna. A bad allergy attack had me spending a lot of time in a recliner watching t.v. yesterday. Can't really complain - I needed the rest and watched a lot of good stuff. 

Read: Dave Eggers' The Circle for book club and I'm also still reading Ari Shapiro's The Best Strangers In The World. I had checked out The Perfect Nanny but only read three pages before I decided that it just wasn't going to be a book I could read, at least not now. 

Made: Reuben  sandwiches.  Two nights in a row because why not? 

 While I was laid up yesterday, I watched Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris, on Netflix. For this chick, who studied fashion merchandising in college, the costumes were a big draw. But the story is just delightful and the movie is filled with so many familiar faces. 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: My brother and sister-in-law will be coming through on Wednesday so I need to get the guest rooms put back together (well, at least one of them!). After the week and a half of company and the great mattress switch, things remain in a bit of disarray. Then it's off to the basement to get back to work on 40 Bags in 40 Days. 

Thinking About: I watched an episode of The Home Edit on Netflix yesterday and now my brain is racing with new ideas to reorganize my closets. 

Feeling: Sad. BG and I went into Lincoln Tuesday evening for one last pass through of my parents' house before the clean out crew came on Wednesday. I went room by room, memories of each playing in my head, saying goodbye to the house and thanking it for all of the wonderful memories. Today it occurs to me that this feeling is grief. 

Looking forward to: Watching Creighton University's men's basketball team play in the Elite Eight in just a few minutes. I've sent BG (a Creighton grad) off to a sports bar to watch with other fans because he will drive me nuts if he watches at home - he gets so passionate (and by passionate, I mean he'll be questioning every call and a lot of cursing will be involved). 

Question of the week: What have you been reading this week? I've been battling Bloglovin' again and can't get in to see what my blogging friends have been reading lately! 


  1. It snowed on us today, too...a mini blizzard in the morning that left 2 inches of powdery snow on the driveway and roads which as since melted away. And I enjoyed the new movie version of Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. It was very well done (though I do still love the Angela Lansbury version).

  2. I enjoyed the Dry Season and am currently reading The Lost Man. Jane Harper is quickly becoming a favorite author, although I didn't care for The Survivors. We're watching basketball, too. SDSU Aztecs just beat Creighton by one point! March Madness has been very exciting this year! I'll have to check out Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. My daughter studied fashion merchandising at TCU and is now a successful influencer (Fashion Jackson). I wonder if she's watched the show. I gave up on Bloglovin and now use, which is very reliable.

  3. Condolences to BG... that Creighton basketball game today was a heartbreaker!
