Sunday, September 10, 2023

Life: It Goes On - September 10

Happy Sunday! It's going to be a busy day here today - I'm playing catch up from coming home late from work everyday last week, too tired to do much more than the essentials. Prep for Miss H's upcoming move has meant that she and I have played a lot of "take to the apartment, leave at Mom and Dad's, give away" this weekend. Between what she's getting rid of and what my dad is getting rid of in prep for his upcoming move, we've got a vehicle load that needs to be taken to charity today. I've got to run get some paint for furniture Miss H will be taking and get started on those projects today. Fortunately the weather will be perfect for taking those projects outside and you all know how much I love to work on furniture projects! 

Last Week I: 
Listened To: I'm more than half way through Now You See Us, with Poverty, By America up next. 

Watched: Lots of football, some volleyball, more Ted Lasso, and a rewatch of Drew Barrymore's Ever After

Read: Still plugging away at Crook Manifesto when I can make myself pick up a book. I'm really enjoying it; Colson Whitehead makes his time period, setting, and characters come alive. But I just don't seem to have the mental capacity to read these days. Which is a shame because I've got so many great books from the library that I need to read (and want to read!). 

Made: Granola, meatloaf, hash brown casserole. One part of my brain is fighting the end of summer but another part of my brain has clearly accepted that fall is here. 

Enjoyed: We met good friends at a brew pub last evening for drinks on the patio and it was such a lovely evening to sit outside, relax, and catch up. 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: Work will continue on getting things ready for Miss H's move. I've hired a friend of Mini-him, who has a cleaning service, to come help me clean some furniture for Miss H and to help clean up the basement. I'm looking forward to catching up with her and moving forward in the basement. 

Thinking About: Between work and the upcoming moves, I haven't thought of much else. 

Feeling: Productive. 

Looking forward to: We're headed back down to KC with another load to put into storage for Miss H this coming weekend. I'm hoping that we'll finally get to see the restaurant where she is working now. 

Question of the week:
Have you heard about the group MoveOn's banned bookmobile? They are traveling around parts of the country giving away books that have been banned in the libraries of those areas. My dad asked me the other day if there were books that I wouldn't have wanted my kids to come across in a library. There are books that I don't think my kids might were ready for when they first might have come across them. But I've always felt like that was my decision. I paid attention to what they were reading and had conversations with them about the books. In the end, I'd say we've raised three intelligent, thoughtful adults who were only enhanced by what they read. What are your thoughts on banning books?

Knowing what an advocate against book banning that I am, my dad gave me a new coffee mug this week; I'm enjoying my coffee in it this morning! 

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