Sunday, September 17, 2023

Life: It Goes On - September 17

Happy Sunday! Why do weekends have to go by so quickly?! I wasn't nearly as productive this weekend as I had hoped to be. Well, let's rephrase that - I didn't knock nearly as many things off of my to-do list as I had hoped to but I did get a lot done. Just a lot of the kinds of things that don't really show (although they show when they aren't done). Went to get the milk out of the fridge this morning and that lead to a lot of cleaning and cooking I hadn't planned to do. Where did all of the energy I used to have go?!

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I'm all over the place this week. I was listening to Poverty, By America (so interesting!) but my loan expired so now I'm waiting on the book. Then I went back to Now You See Us but yesterday, while we were driving to KC, The Big Guy and I started listening to David Grann's The Wager. One day, I'll actually finish a book!

Watched: Football, volleyball, and more football. And one episode of Ted Lasso, which we're still enjoying but it's gotten to be so heavy and sad that it's hard to binge. 

Read: The Many Lives of Mama Love, which I didn't realize was a memoir. Enjoying it but need to get it back to the library soon. Partly because when I went to pick up a book I had on hold, it turned out that I, once again, had three books ready. 

Made: You all know how my heart wants the warm weather to continue. But there's definitely a part of my subconscious that's screaming to let autumn in because today I roasted a pork tenderloin, baked some chocolate croissants, and made Hungarian mushroom stew. I can't vouch for how Hungarian it is. It does have lots of paprika, but I don't know that it originated in Hungary. It's definitely one I'll make again but if I'm making for just the two of us again, I'll cut the batch in half. 

Enjoyed: We went with friends to a new-to-us Mexican restaurant on Friday, as part of Omaha Restaurant Week. For a set price, each of us got an appetizer, a main course, a dessert, and a drink. Far more food than any of us would regularly eat but it was good. And we will definitely be going back for their churros again! 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: A trip north to visit my sister, her husband, and their daughter's family. I can't wait to see them. They moved to where they are now three years ago, but one thing or another has kept us from getting up there. 

Thinking About: Did I tell you that I'd gotten a bonus at work? I have spent far too much time lately planning how to spend that. New clothes, new shoes, a new custom piece of jewelry, some organizing products, new patio furniture, something new for the house, a new tattoo...the list of things I might get are endless. So much so that I've sort of reached decision paralysis. Does that ever happen to you?

Feeling: A little on edge. We went by Miss H's new place yesterday when we were in KC and BG and I were not thrilled with it, concerned about whether or not it's safe enough. We feel a bit like she got mislead but now wonder how far her parents can push it to get her into a different place. On the other hand, I'm pretty darn proud of how we've Jenga'd everything into her storage unit! Sometimes having grown up kids is almost as tough as having young ones. 

Looking forward to: Book club this week (although I have yet to start the book - do you think I can read it in 48 hours and still do all of the other things that need to be done?). 

Question of the week: On Instagram I watched accounts get all fired up with fall decor and now, before September is even over, they've already switched to Halloween. Do you decorate for the season or for the holidays? 

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