Sunday, October 15, 2023

Life: It Goes On - October 15

Happy Sunday from chilly, grey Omaha! 

Well, this weekend has been a bust. Thursday, as I was driving home from work, I began to feel like I might be coming down with something. This wouldn't be alarming but for the fact that I'd found out that day that I'd been exposed to Covid earlier in the week. So, our weekend trip was postponed. I don't believe that what I have is Covid; but whatever it is, it's had me down all weekend. For once I've allowed myself to give into it - lots of sleeping, comfort foods, no guilt about unfinished chores (after all, I wasn't meant to be home to do anything, right?). After 48 hours of doing that, though, I'm feeling better...and guiltier about doing nothing when so much needs to be done. Today will probably not be a day of napping, Instagram, and football. At least, not JUST those things!

Last Week I: 

Listened To: Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture by Roxane Gay. This is a tough one. 

 Lots of football; a couple of Husker volleyball matches; some episodes of Shrinking, Grace and Frankie, and Ted Lasso; and Wes Anderson's adaptation of Roald Dahl's The Wonderful Life of Henry Sugar, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, and Dev Patel. 

Read: Trying to finish up so many books. There will actually be reviews to be written soon. 

Made: The worst banana bread I've ever made. How can a tried and true recipe come out so much differently than it usually does? It was dry and hardly tasted of banana at all. So today, we turned one loaf into French toast, soaking up loads of egg and milk and dusted heavily with spices. Much better. But still...

Enjoyed: I talked The Big Guy into getting carry out from one of our go-to places last night and it was delicious and all I had to do was order it online. Why don't I do that more often, treat myself to an easy meal? 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: On finishing up furniture for Miss H. Three weeks until all of these extra things are out of my house and I can begin dreaming about what I'll do with that space that's been freed up. 

Thinking About: The three new bananas sitting on my counter. Eat them or let them get overripe and try another batch of banana bread? 

Feeling: Rested

Looking forward to: Book club on Tuesday. 

Question of the week: How easy is it for you to just let yourself be still, to rest? 

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