Sunday, May 12, 2024

Life: It Goes On - May 12

Happy Sunday and happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, however that looks for you. I know this is a hard day for a lot of people - those who have lost their moms, those who have lost children, and those who are struggling to become moms - my heart goes out to you. Even though this is the fourth Mother's Day since my mom died, it's still strange not to be heading into Lincoln to celebrate her. I love the idea of taking Mother's Day to do absolutely nothing...anyone have the ability to actually do that? I'm trying to find pockets of time to do that or to focus on the kinds of things that need to be done that I actually enjoy doing (organizing, working outside). Last Week I: 

Listened To: I finished two of Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brodie books - One Good Turn and When Will There Be Good News?

 We had not understood that the Northern Lights would be so visible near us on Friday night so missed the best chance to watch them. But last night we drove up east of north of us a ways to try to catch them. The strange thing? This picture is what my phone captured but it's not what I could see with my naked eye, which was more a gradation of lighter skies that moved a bit. Only with the phone on night mode were the colors visible. 

Read: Two For Tea by Amor Towles. 

Made: Mostly we ate light - pasta, salads - but one night The Big Guy made mashed potato with ham soup that we feasted on a couple of nights, even if it was warm enough to eat on the patio. 

Enjoyed: Several trips to the nursery and a lot of time working in my yard in the evenings and yesterday. AND I finally got the new cushions for the patio furniture I've been wanting. I've finally acknowledged that not all of the patio furniture we have really fits on our patio so we're shipping some off to Miss H for her patio and ditching three big pots. How is it that my patio still has so much stuff on it? 


This Week I’m:  

Planning: On moving some things out of the basement to the storage unit this week so that we can start organizing the things that need to stay down there. It makes Monica's closet look neat and tidy right now. 

Thinking About: Getting back to weekly menu planning so we can control our calories, eat food we enjoy, and not get stuck in a rut. 

Feeling: Worried. Tuesday evening our cat became lethargic and all but stopped eating. Took her to the vet on Wednesday; and $650 later, we still don't know what's made her sick. She's still hardly eating but has a little more energy. We are giving her all of the love and trying to find foods that will appeal to her and now we just wait to see if she'll recover. 

Looking forward to: I've hired a company to come to my house to detail the inside of my car tomorrow. I'm so happy not to have to do it myself and it is desperately in need of the attention. 

Question of the week: Were you in the part of the country that had a view of the northern lights? If so, did you get a chance to get out to see them? 

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