Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Life: It Goes On - May 22

Happy Wednesday! How did we get to Wednesday already? We arrived home from around dinner time Sunday and I just couldn't work up the energy to do much, other than feed us, unpack, do laundry, and snuggle with my kitty girl. Monday was busy, last night was book club, so here we are. 

We headed to Columbia, Missouri on Friday morning, stopping in K.C. to drop off some patio furniture for Miss H (one day we'll have everything to her but we're still not finished yet). We haven't seen our friends in a year and it's The Big Guy's first time visiting them since they moved. We were busy all weekend but it was also so relaxing; they are both such great hosts. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I finished Dolen Perkins-Valdez's latest, Take My Hand

Watched: Since our friends live just a few blocks from our niece and her family, we got to go to our great-nephew's 3rd birthday party and watch him open presents and celebrate his way. 

Read: I'm struggling with Jane Smiley's Lucky, after finishing Amor Towle's Two For Tea

Made: The usual summer fare. 

Enjoyed: Saturday evening we and our friends met my brother and sister-in-law at a nearby winery that I love to visit, as it sits on the bluffs overlooking the Missouri River valley. Would have been nice to sit there longer but the mosquitoes were eating us alive. So we all headed back to our friends' home to enjoy Shakespeare's pizza. 


This Week I’m:  

Planning: To get some yard work done, some work done cleaning out the basement, and to block out some devoted reading time.  

Thinking About: When our friends moved, they got rid of a lot of things and their house feels so light and clean. I'm certain that I could never pare down to their level, but I'd love to get back to the Cozy Minimalist group that I joined and get to working on the steps. 

Feeling: Ready to start working on painting projects. First up, Mini-him's dresser. 

Looking forward to: A four-day weekend. 

Question of the week: Do you get a long weekend for Memorial Day? If so, do you have special plans? 

1 comment:

  1. I’m on a decluttering spree for the last two years and still much more to go. Takes time.
