Sunday, July 7, 2024

Life: It Goes On - July 7

Happy Sunday! Were you all lucky enough to have a four-day weekend, thanks to the Fourth falling on a Thursday? I have thoroughly enjoyed the nice long break but still would like another couple of days since Thursday and Friday flew by. 

Miss H arrived Wednesday night for a short visit; long enough to celebrate both the Fourth and Miss C's birthday. Miss H, Mini-him, Miss C, Big Guy and myself took breakfast to my dad on the Fourth since he is no longer able to get to Lincoln for his old neighborhood's Fourth of July breakfast. We didn't shoot off a single firework (much to Miss H's disappointment) but saw plenty and ate our way through the day. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: Ella Berman's Before We Were Innocent. Will finish that one this week then I don't know what will be next. My next hold won't become available for eight weeks so I'll either do a little searching today for something that will be available sooner or spend the next few weeks catching up on podcasts. 

Watched: Penelope with Miss H, something we'd watched when she was young but neither or us have seen since. It's got quite the cast but I can see why it never made it big - it's a tough one to put in a handy niche. 

Read: I finally finished Julia Phillip's Bear and I started Elizabeth Strout's latest, Tell Me Everything. I'm only about 25 pages in, but I'm loving being back in the world of Lucy Barton. 

Made: Onion dip, maple bacon dip, steak and chicken kebabs, egg casserole, vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, red velvet cake and my first ever German chocolate cake. Miss C requested German chocolate for her bday and I always make whatever someone requests, but I've had to rely on other people's opinions as to how it turned out since I don't eat coconut. Or pecans. 

Enjoyed: Lots of time with my family, including an unplanned visit from my brother Friday night


This Week I’m:  

Planning: My sister and her husband arrive for a long weekend visit to see their fathers. So this week is all about getting ready for more company. 

Thinking About: As I rearranged and Tetris'd things into my fridge this past week, I couldn't help but wonder how in the world home organizers, who show us those beautifully organized refrigerators,  account for things like a couple of cakes and extra groceries that need to fit in. And what about containers of leftovers? I've pretty much given up on the idea that I could ever make my refrigerator look organizer beautiful - the best I can hope for is to keep the expired food out of it. 

Feeling: Tired. Haven't been sleeping well the past couple of nights and I'd like nothing more than to sleep for a couple of hours this afternoon. Instead I'll probably pull out a furniture piece to work on and power through. 

Looking forward to: Having my sister here. 

Question of the week: How did you celebrate the Fourth this year? 

1 comment:

  1. Our holiday weekend was very quiet as the entire street seemed to have gone on vacation! And it was too hot or rainy to do much except at home, having sausages in hot dog buns and beer! Enjoy the time with your family.
