Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Task It Tuesday

I've been reading a lot in the past few weeks; but the more I read, the less time I have for blogging. I have been getting reviews written and have at least one review scheduled each week for the next three weeks. So it's time to add some blogging work into my next couple of weeks and get things caught up. My list of things to do in the next couple of weeks is:

1. Catch up with blog reader.

2. Clean up email.

3. Respond to comments from my September Sunday posts and keep current with responding to comments in October.

4. Set up schedule for November and December.

5. Write up Top Ten Tuesday posts for October.

It's a short list but includes some pretty time-consuming tasks and I want to make sure I'm still remembering to keep blogging fun!

1 comment:

  1. I like to-do lists but lately I've not time to make them. I have to make and bring a team lunch meal on Thursday. I know what I am making but need to make a list of what to buy so I don't forget anything. This team has a vegan, a vegetarian, a girl with Celiac and someone who is lactose intolerant so I have to plan.
