Sunday, May 2, 2021

Life: It Goes On - May 2

Happy Sunday! It's the last Sunday for that picture - the trees bloomed this week and now they're dropping their flowers like crazy. I love them like this but it certainly requires a lot of sweeping! I'm a happy girl this weekend - I've been two places this weekend to get plants and am headed off shortly to get the final things I need to be able to finish planting and to do some painting outside. Plus I've spent a part of both nights sitting on the patio, enjoying beautiful weather, some pear cider, and, one night, great friends. And that was only one of the three nights I got to spend with friends this week. My soul needed that so much - what a difference vaccination has made for us!

Last Week I: 

 Listened To: The Little Paris Book Shop, which is our book club pick for June. It was a pick to satisfy the requirement for a book about books. I'm about 25% of the way through it and still not sure where Nina George is going with this story. 

Watched: My hubby got the bulb that he needed for our tv this week but it's still sitting on the counter. Which means that we're still watching "tv" on the iPad. Which further means that I, at least, have watched very little this week. We did watch the Nebraska spring football game with my dad yesterday.

Read: I finished several books this week, including Katherine May's Wintering which was another one of those books that was just what I needed right now. 

Made: We had a lot of ham left after cooking one for ham salad last weekend and we've been finding all kinds of ways to us that this week - in salad, in a potato and ham casserole, with eggs. I love ham but even I'm getting very tired of it!

All of that time with my friends, a FaceTime call from my niece with some exciting news, getting my hands in the dirt again and reworking things in the yard. The cat enjoyed spring this week, too. 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: On doing a lot of yard work. Also, we need to do some major furniture rearranging this week with the arrival of a new television which is getting put on a different wall. But that's a long story for another day. 

Thinking About: All of the things. Between what's going on in my own life and what's going on in the world, it's hard to shut off my brain. Which is physically exhausting sometimes. 

Feeling: Lighter. Spring does that for me - sun, warmth, fresh air. It always means a lot of work but also a lot of time to just stop and relax. On the patio I give myself permission to just sit for as long as I want. 

Looking forward to: A trip south to see my brother's family in a couple of weeks. 

Question of the week: What's your favorite thing to do outside?


  1. Sounds like so much fun last week and more ahead! Hope that continues. It does feel good to be vaccinated and be able to do a lot of fun things that we have not been able to dabble in last year.

    1. Doesn't it, just?! I'm feeling, still, pretty safe here but now I'm loathe to travel to some places again with the Delta variant surging.

  2. You really do sound happy! All that time outside is paying off. My fave thing to do outside is to sit with a friend over coffee but if I am not doing that then walking the pup.

    It's very hard for me to shut off my brain these days with both kids moving soon my mind is in overdrive and I am not a good traveler so waiting for a move-in date is driving me nuts. Can't really reserve anything or do much until I know.

    1. It's funny that I love being outside so much because I'm really not an outdoorsy person. But fresh air and sunshine are good for the soul.

  3. We did enjoy our trip to see my brother and his family and felt safe doing it, on the heels of being vaccinated. But now, with Covid rates so high in their area and so many in his family not vaccinated, I'm thinking that we will not feel safe going down when they celebrate his 60th birthday, which is so disappointing.
