Sunday, July 9, 2023

Life: It Goes On - July 9

Happy Sunday! What a beautiful weekend we're having here in Omaha! Plus I took Friday off and spent it with Miss H so that makes this an even better weekend! Days like yesterday are what gets me through the winter - we were invited to some friends' lake house and spent several hours sitting on the beach, soaking up the sun, listening to the lazy "waves" lap up to the shore, catching up with old friends, all followed by a delicious potluck dinner. When we arrived home just before ten, we were so relaxed that we contemplated going to bed early! 

Pretty excited to say that I finally managed to get my comments here working again AND Bloglovin' working again so that I can look at other blogs. It's been months since either has worked properly. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: Reconstructing Amelia, which I will finish in the next couple of days. That's a good thing because Abraham Verghese's Cutting For Stone just became available today. 

Watched: Miss H and I did a rewatch of Mean Girls Friday evening while we ate chocolate chip cookie dough. It's kind of our thing to make cookie dough without any intention of actually making cookies...and then eating too much of it. 

Read: I have two books going already; but when I picked up The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning  by Margareta Magnusson, I started it immediately. 

Made: For our potluck dinner yesterday, I took a spinach salad. I got the recipe from my mom; and, even though it wasn't a traditional family fave, it will always make me think of her. 

Enjoyed: See above. So much time recharging my batteries this week. 

This Week I’m:  

Planning: Miss H is planning to move out on her own this fall so she and I went through all of the stuff in my basement that we've been saving for "some day." Threw away one bag of stuff and three boxes will go to charity. The rest all needs to go back into boxes this week, ready to be moved in the fall. We also need to work some more on our backyard project. 

Thinking About: How to balance moving both my daughter and my dad this fall! Good thing I like to plan and, even more importantly, plan ahead. 

Feeling: Relaxed. 

Looking forward to: A quiet week. 

Question of the week: Do you prefer to have a summer filled with fun activities or lazy days lolling in the sun? 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, comments and blogluvin?! Blogluvin has been very spotty and completely unreliable for me. After working for several days a couple weeks ago, it's gone again. I've been using feedly lately. Glad you've had such a beautiful weekend... very warm and humid here in CT. Didn't know your father was moving again. Hope it's a good week, Lisa.
