Friday, September 6, 2024

All Things In Common - Greece

I haven't done one of these posts in a long while and I'm not sure why. Certainly I have been reading books that had things in common with other books I'd read recently. But this time, the books were close enough together that it really stood out for me. In fact, almost too close - it almost had me confused about which book I was reading. 

Ladykiller, by Katherine Wood, followed on the heels of my recent read of Ella Berman's Before We Were Innocent and now Rachel Hawkins' The Villa. So many places where these books had similarities! 

  • Ladykiller and Before We Were Innocent: largely set in Greece, featuring a Greek heiress and her family's home. 

  • All three books have to do with the relationship between friends and in all three of the books the storyline has to do with friends who have not seen each other in some time. 

  • In Ladykiller and The Villa, we are getting a good part of the story from documents written by one of the characters. And in both, those points of view are coming from highly unreliable narrators. 

  • In both The Villa and Before We Were Innocent, someone dies, although in very different ways. In Ladykiller, someone might or might not have been killed - we're left pretty confident of it but not entirely sure. 

  • All three books kept me guessing until the end, wondering about the relationships and what really happened, which, as it happened, was just the kind of book I've been needing lately. 


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