Sunday, September 8, 2024

Life: It Goes On - September 8

Happy Sunday, late! We made a 24-hour trip to Kansas City this weekend to spend time with Miss H and help her with some things. It's always good for my soul to spend time with one of my kiddos, especially when I get to mother them. We got some things hung, some things repaired, some things reorganized and The Big Guy and I did some cleaning to help her get caught up. Meanwhile, let's don't talk about how so many of those things need to be done around here! How it is so much more fun to help out around other people's homes than our own? 

Miss H and I made a Trader Joe's run yesterday. She got actual groceries; besides picking up lunch, I came out looking like a 10-year-old who'd been let loose in the store with a hundred dollar bill. All. Of. The Snacks! Oh, and leave it to Trader Joe's to get me to finally start looking forward to fall - I picked up a half dozen small pumpkins and a couple of little mums. And now I want more pumpkins and more mums. But also I want it to still be summer. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I finished Trust by Hernan Diaz and started The Once and Future Witches, which I also have in print. It's a joke in my family that my sister is the wicked witch of the east, while I'm the wicked witch of the west. We're also both fierce feminists so this book seems like a fit for both of us. Which is why my dad pulled a fast one and tricked us into mailing a copy to each other. 

Watched: The Paralympics, a whole lot of football, and Shrek with Miss H (because we always watch an old favorite when we're together and BG wouldn't let us watch Hamilton, which was our first choice). 

Read: Rainbow Rowell's latest, Slow Dance

Made: BLTs, chicken salad, a tortellini casserole. 

Enjoyed: Dinner out in KC with Miss H's former roommate and the roommate's dad. We tend to do dinner with them almost every time we're in KC and we all just call it family dinner now. 


This Week I’m:  

Planning: I'm hoping to finish Mini-him's dresser this week. We may be having company this weekend so I'll be doing that cleaning that I didn't get done this weekend. And at least one more load of stuff will be getting out of my house this week. 

Thinking About: Tired. Not sure why. While we did get a lot done at Miss H's, we also got in plenty of just hanging out, talking and relaxing. 

Feeling: I continue to feel inspired to get my house under control. And frustrated because I'm the only one in the house that seems to feel that way. 

Looking forward to: Another three-day weekend coming up. 

Question of the week: Are you a football fan? If so, college, pro or both? Favorite teams? 

**This weeks reviews are both nonfiction reads.**

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