Sunday, August 11, 2013

Life: It Goes On - August 11

Woohoo - this is my 1,000th post! When I started Lit and Life a little more than four years ago, I didn't necessarily consider that I wouldn't still be blogging in in 2013 but I certainly couldn't imagine reaching 1,000 posts. Since I've neglected to celebrate the last three anniversaries of the blog, it would seem I'm due for a celebration.

Here's what we'll do: leave me a comment naming one of the books I reviewed in 2009 and a way to contact you. The catch is that you can't give me a title that someone else has already used! Next Sunday I'll announce the winner of a $20 Barnes and Noble e-gift card. Thanks to everyone who has supported Lit and Life in the past four years!

Here's What I'm:

Listening To: Abbey Road thanks to Where'd You Go, Bernadette. Bernadette and her daughter had a great bonding moment with the Beatles.

Watching: Football. I'm a happy girl!

Reading: I'm finishing Where'd You Go, Bernadette today (I can't wait to discuss this with the Bookworms - they better have read it!). Up next, I think, is Carolyn Turgeon's The Fairest of Them All 

Making: BLT dip for food day at work and turkey meatballs to add some protein to our staple pasta and fresh-picked tomato summer main course. I've got a lot of parsley so I think it's time to bust out the homemade manicotti this week.

Planning: On painting my bedroom soon. The question remains "what color?" Color cards are all over my bedroom; this week I'll try to narrow it down and pick up some samples.

Grateful for: The cooler temperatures we've had of late. So uncharacteristic of Nebraska in August.

Loving: Some of the changes I've been making around the house. They're not all big but some have made a big impact.

Thinking: I need a week off of work with the house to myself. I could get so much done!

Looking forward to: More evenings on the patio this week and BLT's with fresh-picked tomatoes!

What are you grateful for this week?


  1. I love seeing new colors in my hope -- makes me happy. My suggestion is to pick something soft for the bedroom -- pale blues, grays, pale greens etc. whatever you choose --I hope you love it.

  2. Wow, congratulations on 1000 posts!!

    I'm loving these cooler temperatures, too. Woke up to the low 50's this morning and it should be in the mid 70's today... perfect.

    Enjoy your book club meeting :-)

  3. Congrats on 1000 posts! Such a big, fun milestone! One book you reviewed in 2009 is The House on Tradd Street. You can find me on Twitter (will that work as contact method?) as @WordLily.

  4. I see that you reviewed The Man That Loved Books Too Much in '09. I read that one back then as well. I didn't like it as much as I wanted too, sadly. (TheRelentlessReader@gmail DOT com)

    We've had cooler temps here too, hooray! I'm loving it. Let me know what color you decide to go with in your bedroom. I'm going to be painting mine soon as well and I'm at a loss!

  5. Wow, congratulations Lisa!

    It's cool here today, windows open, fresh air. I'm off to read a chapter, walk the dogs and finish the movie I started yesterday.

  6. Congrats on 1000 posts and four years! Quite an accomplishment!

  7. HUGE congratulations on 1,000 posts!!! I can't wait until I'm at that place, too!

    -Rebecca @ Love at First Book

  8. Congratulations, Lisa. 1000 posts is a great accomplishment. I'm very happy you've continued to blog since I enjoy your posts!

    What color are you leaning towards for your bedroom? I always like soft and comforting colors for the room I sleep in...does your husband care at all about the color? Diane's suggestion of pales blues or grays I second.

    BLTs are perfect with juicy summer tomatoes. Enjoy!

    Thank you for offering a book giveaway. I've never read The Financial Lives of the Poets by Jess Walter but it's on my tbr list. Please enter me in your giveaway for this book.

    Thank you & congratulations again!

  9. Congratulations, Lisa. 1000 posts is a great accomplishment. I'm very happy you've continued to blog since I enjoy your posts!

    What color are you leaning towards for your bedroom? I always like soft and comforting colors for the room I sleep in...does your husband care at all about the color? Diane's suggestion of pales blues or grays I second.

    BLTs are perfect with juicy summer tomatoes. Enjoy!

    I'd love to be entered in your giveaway for The Financial Lives of the Poets, a book I've had on my tbr list for too long. Thank you!

  10. I need the recipe for BLT dip.. sounds too good to pass up!

  11. Congrats, Lisa! I'm so glad I discovered another Nebraskan blogger. :)

    We were on a road trip during the cooler temps. Wish they had stuck around a little bit longer. The past few days have been awful, haven't they?!
