Sunday, August 11, 2024

Life: It Goes On - August 11

Happy Sunday! What a beautiful weekend we've had here - sunny with unseasonably cool temperatures. We spent the weekend evenings on decks/patios and blankets and jackets were required. Don't get me wrong - that doesn't mean I'm looking forward to autumn! In fact, I'm heading out today to buy more plants for my pots out back because I'm planning on being out there for another couple of months. 

Last Week I: 

Listened To: I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy and I'm about half way through The Villa by Rachel Hawkins.

Watched: Not much besides the Olympics and some news coverage. 

Read: I finished Liane Moriarty's Here One Moment and started Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff by Dana K. White. I've also started Kate Atkinson's Death At The Sign Of The Rook and Lisa Wingate's Shelterwood. It's a good thing the Olympics are done today - I need to get back to spending more time reading and less time in front of the television! 

Made: Lots of quick and easy pasta meals this week - spaghetti with meat sauce and something I'm calling Italian goulash. I roasted a lot of tomatoes for future use, as well. 

Enjoyed: My brother and sister-in-law came back through on their way home Wednesday so we got to spend time with them again, we had a lovely evening with friends on their deck Friday evening, and we got to spend some time yesterday with Mini-him and Miss C. Best part of that last one? They hauled out two more loads of their stuff. I may soon be able to move in my basement again! 


This Week I’m:  

Planning: You know me - whenever I'm reading something about decluttering, I'm planning my next decluttering project in my house. The book I'm reading now (and Go Simplified) really stresses thinking of your bookcases as containers and you can't have more books that there is realistically enough room for in your container - our shelves are bulging at the seams and it's time to make some tough decisions. 

Thinking About: School started for our school district last week - a full week earlier than my kids started when they were growing up. With so many kids involved in organized activities for the first six weeks of summer, it doesn't leave much time for kids to just relax and be kids. Also, it seriously impinges on the number of weeks I get a significantly easier commute! 

Feeling: Lazy. To be fair, I got thrown off my game yesterday when Mini-him decided they'd be coming to get their stuff and I had to help with that (and to encourage them to shop my basement to get even more things out of it!

Looking forward to: An upcoming visit to Miss C's parents' home. We really enjoy them. 

Question of the week: We did a back-to-school supply drive at work and I was astonished by the things the kids need these days. So many things I wish the schools were able to supply but clearly can't afford to provide. Do you still have kids in school? If so, what's the thing that those of us who don't would find the most surprising? 

**This weeks review have this in common - they are both books I was offered through Netgalley.**

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