Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Officially Admitting Defeat

For no earthly reason, I have failed at this challenge.  Even with almost four weeks left in the year, there is no way that I will be able to read ten books from my shelves that I will be able to pass along.  This should have been so easy.  I have hundreds of books that I need to read and will likely pass along when I'm done.  But my year has almost entirely consisted of reading books that were review books, reading books I loved so much that I didn't want to part with them and re-reading books I already owned.  So...what I thought was the easiest challenge I signed up for, turns out to be one of the hardest.  I'm waving the white flag.


  1. It happens. No worries! It sounds like you had a great reading year which is awesome. It's better than putting pressure on yourself to read 10 books that you just cannot see fitting in.

    2011 is another year!
    ~ Amy

  2. LOL LOL....I did finish this one, but I will fail at Books to Read Before I Die, mostly because I am not ready to "kick the bucket"...LOL

  3. I started reviewing the challenges I signed up for today. I didn't know I signed up for one of the challenges until I read the post and said 'oh no!' out loud.... I forgot an entire challenge.

    I'm going to post my recap late December but the one I thought would be so easy I did terribly at!

    You are in good company - You get 110% for effort with the books you have been reading recently.

  4. I failed this one epically!! I have so many great books and I just need to focus on them for a few months!!!

  5. I hear ya. I think I got the YA challenge finished but I lost count and called the white flag on them all. I don't think I'm going to join any this next year.

  6. You are not alone. I just kept adding to my shelves and even though I read over 180 books this year, they were review copies, and many were books that jumped into my arms from the shelves at the public library screaming "pick me, pick me."

    I have made my husband promise that he will do any library runs in 2011, so I can MAYBE see some movement on four full TBR shelves here at home.

    At least we're still reading.........
